This bookmarklet allows you to quickly enter your email address into a form. Simply click in a text field then select the bookmarklet from your bookmarks.

Save it in the favorites bookmarks bar for easy access.

Steps to take:

  • Show your bookmarks bar if it is not already visible (⇧⌘B) (Ctrl+Shift+B)
  • Drag the bookmarklet ‘switchd - my email’ into your bookmarks bar
  • Show your bookmarks toolbar if it is not already visible ('View' menu -> 'Toolbars' -> 'Bookmarks Toolbar')
  • Drag the bookmarklet ‘switchd - my email’ into your bookmarks bar.
  • Right click on the link ‘switchd - my email’ and select ‘Add To Favorites...’
  • You may be presented with a security alert. Click 'Yes' to continue.
  • Edit the dropdown field labeled 'Create in' and select 'Favorites Bar'.
  • Click 'Add' to save the favorite.

Add the bookmarklet to your browser's bookmark bar bookmarklet for Gmail and other email providers

Click the bookmarklet in the browser bookmark bar to insert your email tagged address

Create a bookmarklet for your email address

Your email address may be able to accept a tagged email. You can send a test email to yourself at the following address:

Good news, your email address supports tagging. You can send a test email to yourself at the following address:

An email has been sent to you at the address . You may have to check your junk mail folder. If you received it you can start using the bookmarklet - click the bookmarklet to view installation instructions.

The bookmarklet is a real time saver. It lets you enter your email address instantly on a website, tagged with information to indicate which website you provided the address to.

You have possibly heard that there is a gmail trick that allows you to tag website information onto your gmail address, but did you know that this trick actually works with many other mail providers?

We have modified our bookmarklet so that it can be used by anyone with an email provider that supports address tagging (eg. gmail). You can test to see if your email address accepts tagged mail in our bookmarklet creation form.

Once you have created and installed your bookmarklet you can use it in any form - simply click once in a text field, then select the bookmarklet from your bookmarks tab to insert your email address into the form field, tagged with the domain name of the site you are visiting.

Tagging your email address when supplying it to a website will allow you to keep track of who the website passes the address to and allows you to create filters to filter out addresses that attract spam.

Please note that there are disadvantages to tagging your personal email address:

If you want a service that overcomes these problems and provides a tailor made interface for managing your subscriptions, then take advantage of our free email service here at Our service works nicely with gmail, yahoo or any other email provider.

Browser incompatible

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May we recommend Google Chrome.