Terms and conditions


  1. "Service(s)" means the email and web services provided by switchd.net.
  2. "User" means the end user who uses the services provided by switchd.net
  3. "Switchd.net" or "Switchd" means Switchd.net Online Limited (company number 424825), who's registered office is at 17/2 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, EH10 5DP, Scotland.
  4. "Spam" and "junk mail" means mail that is un requested or unsolicited. We may also use the word spam to refer to unwanted mail originating from websites that the user has actively provided their address to. Such mail is often referred to as Bacn (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacn) and is not necessarily unsolicited, but often unrequested and possibly considered as junk mail by the user.
  5. "Service withdrawal" means termination of service by switchd.net.
  6. "Disposable address" means an individual email address which forwards on to a user's personal email address.
  7. "Tag" and "tagging", not used within the terms and conditions but used elsewhere throughout the site, means to add information to an email address. Such information may be used to determine where or to whom the email address was provided.


Switchd.net provides a mail filtering service designed to reduce junk mail.

The user is in full control of switchd.net service configuration and may configure the service as they see fit, therefore spam is not guaranteed to be eradicated by use of the service.

Users must accept and be aware that by filtering mail, genuine email (email that is not regarded as spam) may be removed along with spam.

The event of spam being received at a disposable address which has been disclosed to only one group does not explicitly indicate that the group has actively passed on the disposable address to spammers. Email is often transmitted unencrypted and there are many opportunities for spammers to harvest email addresses.

Any email filtered by the service must be accepted by the user as irretrievable. Switchd.net cannot be held responsible for any loss that might occur, either by configuration of the service or by service withdrawal.


User contact details that are provided to switchd.net will be stored in switchd.net databases.

No personal contact details, personal email addresses or switchd.net disposable address will be shared with any third party unless switchd.net is required to disseminate such information in compliance with the law.

Switchd.net reserves the right to share statistical data regarding user preferences with third parties. Any shared data will not include any personal data and will only comprise collated data for statistical analysis.

Switchd.net, presently uses TLS/SSL encryption only for the login form, signup form and the "my account" form. User must accept that unencrypted data is being exchanged at other times, and accept the inherent risks involved. Switchd.net may not be held responsible as a result of any risks associated with the transmission of unencrypted data.

Switchd.net relies on the use of JavaScript and cookies. Users who do not have these technologies enabled will be unable to access the service.


Switchd.net uses advertising as a way of generating revenue, allowing us to maintain a free service. Switchd.net does not endorse products and services represented within the adverts.

Service withdrawal

Switchd.net reserves the right to withdraw service without notice. Withdrawal of service may occur for (but not limited to) the following reasons:

  1. Abuse of service: abuse is defined as using the service for functions deemed outside of the spirit with which the service was intended. This includes (but is not limited to) using the service with the intent of misleading another party as to a user's email address during an attempt to circumvent technical restrictions of another service.
  2. Technical difficulties at switchd.net. Service may be withdrawn due to unforeseen technical restrictions, potentially including peaks in usage of web and email traffic.

Switchd.net cannot be held responsible for any loss that might occur due to withdrawal of service either as a result of user actions, the actions of switchd.net or the actions of a third party.

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